1870 CENSUS: Deerfield, IL - Benjamin's Death & Mary (Louisa), Abraham, Hattie & Benjamin (they are all listed as "I" for Indian Race.

1880 CENSUS: CHICAGO, IL - Mary, Abraham, Hattie & Benjamin

We should note that the family is using the last name WHITECLOUD in this census, while they used MORDECAI in 1870. There is also an asterisk next to the entry, and the footnote at the bottom of the page reads: "Family has Indian blood in their veins, but not enough to call them 'Indian.' The children's Grandmother was Indian." This note is clearly speaking about Benjamin Moses Mordecai's mother, who was the daughter of Chief Doublehead and Patsy Doublehead per the information he wrote in his "A Sketch of the Artist's Life" at the front of his book.

Abraham Mordecai appears in both the census here in Chicago and in Logan, IL. However, his entry is struck through in the Chicago census and there is a notation referring to his entry in Logan. Why Abraham was sent to this school is unknown, and all files are sealed because it is now a mental health facility. Often, incorrigible or misbehaving children were sent to this facility. He reappears in Chicago in 1910 and is married with stepchildren.

1900 CENSUS: CHICAGO, IL - Mary, Hattie, Alice Burch (Hattie's Daughter), Benjamin & Charles Doyle (Mary's nephew)

In 1900 Hattie is widowed and living with her mother, along with her daughter Alice Burch. We also see Charles Doyle living with them, he is two years' old and is listed as Mary's nephew.